Isaiah 43: 18-19

"Do not call to mind the former things, or ponder things of the past. Behold, I will do something new. Now it will spring forth; Will you not be aware of it? I will even make a roadway in the wilderness, Rivers in the desert. "

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Adoption Day

She's our baby. Forever and ever. On December 16th, Mia officially became a Burgess. The day was very surreal, and somewhat anticlimactic. We got to court at about 9:30am, and waited for our turn before the judge. We went into the courtroom with Mia, and our lawyer asked us some very simple questions. For example "Have you ever been convicted of.?" and "Please state your full name." It was pretty much just going through the motions. The whole process took about 15-20 minutes.  Our lawyer was so great and really guided us through the process so that it felt like a piece of cake. We are so blessed that everything moved so quickly and without any issues!

 From the left: Our lawyer, the judge, us, and the guardian at litem

The official Burgess family!

 A Proud Daddy:)

One very happy Mama

I've been a bit behind on blogging lately, but we just got back from CT. I'm excited for new blog posts to come!!

I love comments! Feel free to post anonymous if you don't have an account.



  1. So happy for all of you!! I didn't realize you had to go thru a formal court hearing before an adoption became official. What a special day that must have been. It looks like Mia contentedly slept thru all the proceedings. I think she knew she was already a Burgess and no amount of paperwork could make any difference!


  2. i LOVE these beautiful pictures! they tell such a story of redemption through the miraculous gift of adoption. mia burgess!!! i love her! i love you! you three are one good looking family!

  3. Congratulations! What a precious blessing.

  4. So excited for this momentous occasion. God bless you all!

  5. I am so happy for you and your beautiful family. I look forward to your blogs. They are a reminder of how awesome our God is. Happy new year.

  6. These are pictures and memories that will last a lifetime. Congratulations. Call me. Mom

  7. I am so happy for you both! Last time I saw Dan in a white shirt was on your wedding day! I guess this means I am officially a grandfather.

  8. Congratulations on your official adoption day!
