Isaiah 43: 18-19

"Do not call to mind the former things, or ponder things of the past. Behold, I will do something new. Now it will spring forth; Will you not be aware of it? I will even make a roadway in the wilderness, Rivers in the desert. "

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Crossing the Ts

So this is the adoption process so far:

Step 1. Choose an agency, then send in an application to the agency and wait for acceptance letter. Step accomplished!

Step 2. Before we can being the adoption, we have to have an approved home study. For those of you who are new to the adoption process, a home study is basically an "investigation" in a non-threatening sense of course, to ensure that you will be good adoptive parents. Any type of adoption, whether international or domestic, requires a home study. There is mainly a lot of paperwork and visits from a social worker to see that we will provide a safe and healthy environment for a child. It's kind of ironic really, when I encounter people on a daily basic who probably should go through screening before getting pregnant (I'm a labor and delivery nurse) But life is full of irony isn't it! we know God has a special purpose for our family and it will be so worth it!

I spent the last two days filling out paperwork and getting it all ready to send in. Dan and I both had to get health physicals yesterday to make sure we are healthy enough to be parents! Luckily Dan and I really don't have any health issues so it was seamless. (note, health issues don't necessarily prevent you from adopting!) We then went to the bank and had child abuse registry forms notarized. (hope we pass! Just kidding). I went to the vet today and got a copy of our pets vaccinations. Whew! The forms a filled out were incredibly detailed, from our eye color to what kind of activities we did in high school! we also had to have three couples send in reference letters for us. (thank you guys!)

Today, I am happy to say I have all the home study paperwork in the mail and on the way to the agency! What a weight off of my chest! Being a nurse definitely has it's advantages, I'm awesome at paperwork! Once they receive the paperwork, the home study process will take 4-6 weeks according to our agency, so hopefully by the end of summer!

What comes next? While we are in the home study process, we will begin to put together a portfolio. This is basically a scrapbook containing a snapshot of our lives. I'm actually excited to do this! Once the home study is accepted by the state of SC, the agency will start showing our portfolio to birthmothers. The birthmother may choose us, and if they do the agency will contact us. Wow, I can't wait till the day we get that phone call! I'm already getting excited!

This is going to be a crazy summer! I keep picturing myself as a clown, juggling the different areas of my life and trying to put good effort into each one! I recently started teaching zumba 4 times a week, and it's alot of work learning new routines and keep the classes fresh and exciting. I have to say, we are so blessed, even without children, with such a full life. We have so many amazing friends, activities, great jobs and a great church, and we couldn't live in a more beautiful area.

Thanks for journeying with us!!


  1. your thankful heart is beautiful, olivia! so excited for you to get that call!!!

  2. Olivia,
    Thank you for sharing your journey with the family.. We are very excited for you both.. can't wait till you get that call... we sure did miss seeing everyone at the reunion. Can't wait till next year!!

    Jenn Dye

  3. How exciting this is to be included in your journey. We know this little one is going to be very special!

    Aunt Sue
